08 4月 2006

今天很適合的音樂 - 陳昇 思念人之屋


如果會說話 我想它會說 啊 這樣的天氣 只能思念人

獨自走在雨中的小黃狗 牠在散步的路上來拜訪我
想起她曾說 如果想到我 卻找不到人說 就和牠聊天

But, don't talk to a dog at raining days.
So, don't talk to a dog at raining days.

我想牠有自己的寂寞 所以才孤獨地走在雨中
Hello, Baby dog. 是否你該借把傘 She is gone.
I am living in the " house of missing you ".
I am living in the " house of missing you ".

瀰漫房子裡的咖啡香 提醒我妳在心靈的異鄉
不再屬於我 是否想到我 他對妳好嗎 其實 我還好

But, don't talk to a dog at raining days.
So, don't talk to a dog at raining days.

我想牠有自己的心痛 所以才濕淋淋的走在雨中
Hello, Baby dog. 是否你和我一樣 She is gone.

I am living in the " house of missing you ".
I am living in the " house of missing you ".


I'm missing you...

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